Sunday, May 23, 2010


We started giving Lily some solids this week. Hmmm, success rate is low at this stage but I'm hopeful she will get more of an appetite for veggies etc as we go. She certainly loves her breast milk though as evidenced by her chubby cheeks!
We also went along to Zadie's first birthday. I met Zadie's mum Patrits nine years ago through work. We have stayed friends even though we didn't work together that long. Patrits and her husband John are gorgeous and so so trendy! I'm forever jealous of how good Patrits always looks. Zadie has definitely inherited her mum's style.

Lily was so cute at the party. She was the youngest bub there and you could see the frustration on her face as she lay still and all the other little ones where crawling/walking all over. She got to play her first party game, pass the parcel, and wasn't much into the prize but loved the paper!
It was a lovely afternoon in the sunshine. Just what we needed before the wintry weather settled in.

I'm so thankful that Lily is a happy, healthy thriving bub. Just watching a report on TV about premature babies and I can't help but get emotional. They are soooo tiny and fragile. One of my fears when pregnant was that Lily would come early. There was no basis for this and I'm sure most expectant mums are fearful of popping too soon. It is amazing what modern medicine is able to achieve, yet it would be heartbreaking not to be able to hold your baby at will.
She is growing up so fast and it seems like forever ago that she was a tiny little thing. I can hear her grizzling now as her Dad is attempting to put her to bed and I just want to go in and cuddle her and do all the things we are not 'suppose' to do! Well stuff it I say, she will only be little for a short time and if I can comfort her by giving her cuddles and holding her close then so be it. Take that Tizzy Hall.

1 comment:

  1. That first pic reminds me so much of you when you were a baby! How sweet is the last photo?!
    Love ya! Wendy xxx
