Friday, July 9, 2010

I'm back

I'm back! Not much has been going on in my world since I last posted other than trying desperately to get Lily to sleep longer (both during the day and night). We both had a cold a few weeks ago so any progress we had made went out the window. Poor little munchkin had to have her first dose of antibiotics. What a fun time that was trying to get her to take her medicine three times a day (note the sarcasm).

I am happy to report though that things have improved markedly this week and we actually have a baby who is almost sleeping through the night!! Yay! Thank goodness as both Dave and I were looking more and more like the undead – I mean that in a loving way!

What seems to have turned it around is putting in place a routine for Lily (and me) to follow. Whilst not being overly strict with it, we are trying to have meal, nap, bath and bed time at set times during the day. She still protests when being put to bed but only for a few minutes. I also purchased a Bubbaroo sleeping bag and this may just be the secret weapon. She is now nice and warm and doesn't squirm as much in bed which I think helps her to settle easier.

The best thing about us all getting sleep is an improvement in all our temperaments. Lily seems more active and less grumpy (so does Mummy!). She is giggling more and generally being an absolute delight.

Something new happens almost daily now. She is a chatty little thing and has mastered ‘da’ and ‘ba’. Hopefully ‘ma’ isn’t too far away.

She truly brings a smile to my face every morning. Happiness = me!

1 comment:

  1. Routine. It's the answer to most problems with kids, marriage, finances, housework! Tricky to get just right though, so well done you! Love ya! xx
