Friday, May 14, 2010

My Place and Yours

This week the theme for My Place and Yours from over at Hello Owl is to share something that we are proud of.

There are so many things in my life that make me proud but for the sake of you all I'll narrow it down to a few (especially given my mammoth blog yesterday - was it obvious that I have been a little starved of adult conversation this week?).

Number 1 - My daughter makes me so very proud. Everyday she is becoming more and more independent as she discovers how she fits into the world. She is now able to sit on her own and we will attempt to start solids this weekend! I love that she is developing her own personality - even if it is a tad wilful (I think my mum would call that karma)!

Number 2 - I am so very proud of my partner Dave. I am proud of the relationship he has formed with his daughter. I am proud of the way he provides for our family, not just from the financial aspect but also the support and understanding he provides. I am proud that he is proud of us.

Number 3 - On a lighter note, I am proud of this antipasto platter I made for Mother's Group this week. Yummo!!


  1. What a beautiful family you have!That platter looks GOOD and has made me very very hungry!!

  2. Thanks for coming to stop by and leave a comment. You certainly have lots of reasons to be proud. Your daughter is a cutie. What a great supportive partner you have. That platter looks fantastic.

  3. I'm proud of you all too! Lily sitting up - cute! Dave you're a legend, we love having you in the family! And Kris, you've outdone yourself with the platter - you go girl!
    Kisses, Wendy xxx

  4. Oh, by the way, thanks for the tip about the sewmamasew promotion - I hadn't seen it before. I better get cracking! Wendy xxx

  5. what a beautiful family! Yummy platter, wish I was in your mothers group!
    Good luck with your blogging, look forward to following along xx

  6. Little girls are great aren't they?! That antipasto platter looks awesome!!

  7. Yummy platter! Well done you.
    Loving your blog so far, :)
