Friday, May 7, 2010

My Place and Yours

OK, so this is my first attempt at actively participating in a 'blogworld' event. Hello Owl has a weekly blog titled, 'My Place and Yours' and this week the topic is your favourite place in your home.

Whilst technically not inside my home, I would have to say this little corner of the backyard is a definite favourite spot to get some 'me' time. Whilst pregnant with Lily I would love to swing on the love-seat and read the afternoon away(maybe even take a little nap). Now when our little munchkin is unsettled I'll take her out the back and within moments the soothing swaying motion has calmed her cries. I especially love this spot in the late afternoon and when the spa going, it is my own little bit of luxury.


  1. I think that the backyard certainly counts as a part of the house. What a great relaxing thing, to have a big swing like that. Its funny how even as adults that swinging that we got used to in the womb is still so powerfully relaxing.

  2. That's still counts as part of the house. Who could say no to a lovely spot like that! I'm sure Lily has grown to love it just like you.

  3. Looks like a wonderful place for some me time. Glad you joined us at MP&Y.

  4. I have decadent backyard envy! Well, we're working on it. Soon I may even be able to share our own backyard pics with the world!
    Wendy xxx

  5. Hello welcome to Blogland. Nice spot I have always wanted a sing seat. Your Lily looks very cute I have a Lilly too (short for Lillian) but she is now 5 and more of the gangly adventurous look than the cuddly baby one.

  6. hi! I just popped over from your sister's blog. you have a lovely family! enjoy your baby and have fun blogging!
